Michael's Page

Doing his chores.

"Friends, Romans, countrymen ..."

Icecream face

Look what Pop Pop gave me!

Making a castle.

The big Kahuna

Ready for school.



Michael, what big teeth you have!

Looking for coal in Summit Hill.

Look, I found it!

The newest chapeau in Michael's collection.

An oreo marshmellow treat.

Finishing Grammie's cake.

Michael makes quick work of an Easter egg.

Putting things in order.

Job completed.

Handy Michael

A gift from St. Nick

Working in the Play Dough factory.

Michael creates the jacket pant.

Look! There's a moom on the ceiling.

You are getting sleepy.

Let me measure the size of your heart.

Happy New Year!

Just relaxing.

The giant bus driver

It's never too early to get ready for the beach.

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